Is your current payroll provider offering unrealistic savings or rebates on your employment costs?
Do you have a ‘PAYE’ product that costs your workers nothing other than standard PAYE deductions but also doesn’t cost you any timesheet processing fees or your Employers NI liabilities?
Are you being offered rebates on top of all of this?
If any of the above applies or you suspect that it does, your business could knowingly or unknowingly be falling foul of the Criminal Finances Act.
Your business must be able to demonstrate that it has a reasonable expectation that the correct levels of tax are being paid and in short, any of the above demonstrate quite the opposite.
The consequences of a prosecution include unlimited fines, reputational damage and the likelihood of regulatory sanction.
If you are concerned that you may unwittingly been sold such a scheme, contact us to discuss our 100% Compliant PAYE Umbrella solution. It is also a solution for the April 2020 IR35 Private Sector Reform.
If you would like to discuss your individual business circumstances in more detail, you can contact Fair Pay Services on 0333 311 0633 (option 3) or