Welcome to Fair Pay Services

Hassle free PAYE Umbrella, PAYE (PEO) and CIS Engagement services


Friendly & Professional Team!
Amazing and unique benefits package for all contractors!
Multiple compliance accreditations!


Join Our PAYE Umbrella Payroll Solution

Hassle Free Employment
Fully Compliant
IR35 Compliant
Android & iOS Smartphone Apps
Fair Pay Companion Rewards Included

Agencies / Hirers

Start Working With Us

FCSA & Professional Passport Accredited
Variety of Payment Models
Competitive Margins
Android & iOS Smartphone Apps
Employee Benefits & Insurances Included

CIS Sub-Contractors

Join Our CIS Engagement Solution

Hassle Free Payments
No Risk of CIS Penalties
Android & iOS Smartphone Apps
Fair Pay Companion Rewards Included


Use our extremely simple online form to request a personalised net pay example

Agencies / Hirers

Use our extremely simple online form to refer your contractors to us

Why choose Fair Pay Services?


Fair Pay Services is here to help you, and thousands of other contractors make the most of your income.  All of your tax and other deductions are automatically deducted each time you’re paid, keeping everything correct with HMRC.

An Umbrella Company can be the most straightforward way for contractors to get paid.  They are companies that employ temporary workers, (agency worker or contractor) on behalf of an Employment Businesses, or End-Hirer’s. The Umbrella Company does not find work for the workers they employ, it is the Employment Business that provides the services of those workers to their clients.


Click below to find out more!

Net Pay Calculator

Why not enter your Gross Contract Income to see what the net take home pay would be through Fair Pay Services PAYE Umbrella payroll model?

For the figures shown, we have assumed a 1257L W1/M1 tax code and a worker that has opted out of our auto enrolment pension scheme. 

For a more specifically tailored example, including student loans, salary sacrifice pension contributions or discounts related to your specific recruitment agency or end-hirer, please click below to submit a form or contact our Sales Team;

Brochure Download

Click the image below to download a brochure for further information.

Click Below To Download a Brochure

News & Updates

tax avoidance

What if your umbrella company is using a tax avoidance scheme?

When it comes to umbrella companies, compliance isn’t optional. It’s essential. Take the time to vet your partners and avoid tax avoidance schemes.

a collage of children, parents, and people with colds behind the words 'statutory payments'

Statutory payments: Who is responsible for contractors’ entitlements?

Statutory payments are an essential part of ensuring contractors receive fair treatment and legal entitlements. For recruitment agencies, working with a reliable umbrella company can simplify this process and enhance overall compliance.

A cartoon map of a city with multiple schools, taxis, and school buses

Working for multiple schools and agencies as a supply teacher

As a supply teacher, you might find work through several agencies or by directly contacting schools. You can end up with varied working patterns, often with different pay rates, contracts, and terms of employment.

christmas discounts and a happy family

Contractors: are you making the most of Christmas discounts with your PAYE umbrella employment?

The holidays are approaching and purse strings are tightening to save for Christmas. Like most people, many contractors will be gearing up for holiday spending. From gifts to Christmas gatherings, expenses can quickly add up. But unlike most...
statutory payments represented by a pregnant woman, a man holding a baby, and a man sneezing

Understanding statutory payments for contractors working under an umbrella company

If you're a contractor working under an umbrella company in the UK, statutory payments will form a huge part of your financial safety net. Whether it's sickness, maternity, or paternity leave, statutory payments provide support during key life...



Please call or email now to find out more!

Call us on 01604 360222

Opening Hours
9:00am - 5:30pm Monday - Friday
Registrations Team (Option 1)
Contractor Care Team (Option 2)
Vulcan Works, 34-38 Guildhall Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 1EW
2nd Floor, Buckingham House, Buckingham Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP20 2LA