
There are 2 types of expenses which we have provided information on:

  • Client Reimbursable Expenses
    • This is where your agency or end-client has agreed to reimburse the cost of an allowable expense.  This can be paid to you with your usual pay on a tax-free basis, subject to the below requirements being met.
  • Tax Relief For Expenses Of Employment
    • This is where you are seeking to claim tax relief from HMRC for costs that you have incurred.  This can be claimed directly with HMRC by following the information below.

Client Reimbursable Expenses

Our expenses policy applies only where your agency or end-client agrees to reimburse you for expenses you incurred wholly and exclusively whilst working during an assignment for Fair Pay Services. The expenses claimed must not be claimed against any other company. 

The actual expenses that your agency or end-client may agree to reimburse you for will vary on an individual basis, therefore we we recommend that you speak with them directly to confirm this.

Please note that in any case where your agency or end-client submits a payment request for such an expense, Fair Pay Services as your employer will contact you to complete a claim.  

Please note failure to complete the claim with us may result in a delay in processing your expense for the correct pay period.

If you have any queries or need assistance please contact our Contractor Care team on 01604 360222 (option 1)

Tax Relief For Expenses Of Employment

If you would like to claim tax relief on money you’ve spent on things like work uniform and clothing, tools, business travel, professional fees and subscriptions, this should be claimed via a Self Assessment Tax Return (SATR) or directly with HMRC.  Find out more below;

Claim Online

You can claim online unless you:

  • are claiming on behalf of someone else
  • complete Self Assessment returns (except current year claims)
  • are claiming for expenses over £2,500
  • are claiming for more than 5 different jobs

Claim by post (P87)

You must claim tax relief by post if you’re claiming either:

  • on behalf of someone else
  • for more than 5 jobs

HMRC will only accept postal claims using for P87. Include all expenses for the tax year you want to claim for.

Claim by Phone

You can claim tax relief by phone if you’ve already claimed the same expense type in a previous year and your total expenses are less than either:

  • £1,000
  • £2,500 for professional fees and subscriptions

Use our extremely simple online form to request a Net Pay Example


Please call or email now to find out more!

Call us on 01604 360222

Opening Hours
9:00am - 5:30pm Monday - Friday
Registrations Team (Option 1)
Contractor Care Team (Option 2)
Vulcan Works, 34-38 Guildhall Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 1EW
2nd Floor, Buckingham House, Buckingham Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP20 2LA